Orphan Care Home arranges cricket tournament

cricket tournamnet orphan care home

Orphan Care Home, the flagship welfare project of Minhaj-ul-Quran International, arranged a cricket tournament. A total of six teams participated in the contest. Kings Eleven and Khan Eleven defeated their rivals in the league stage to make it to the final.

The final match presented tough competition between the rival teams, as their players made utmost effort to clinch victory. However, it was Kings Eleven that turned out to be the victor as it defeated the Khan Elevens to claim the title.

Imran Zafar Butt, Principal Aagosh Grammar High School, who was the guest of honour on the occasion, distributed prizes among the players of the winning team. In his speech, he appreciated both the teams for displaying wonderful cricketing skills. He congratulated the management of Aghosh Complex for hosting the event in a magnificent manner.

He said that sporting events need to be held more frequently as they taught students the importance of discipline and sportsmanship. He said that the promotion of the games was pivotal to the establishment of a self-confident and civilized society, adding that sports are as important as education, as both aim to prepare students for the onerous tasks in the practical life.