Aghosh hockey team wins defeat Punjab school team by 4-0

aagosh wins hockey match

The hockey team of Orphan Care Home, a welfare institution of MQI, defeated the hockey team of Punjab school by 4-0 in an augural match of the Quaid-i-Azam Inter-School Hockey Tournament. The Agosh hockey team players dominated the game most of the time and won it comfortably in the end. Renowned social activist Zahid Akthar Butt and other people were present on the occasion. They congratulated the winning team.

Director Aagosh Orphan Care Home Col (r ) Mobahsar Iqbal expressed his happiness at the outcome of the game and felicitated the Aagosh team for displaying wonderful play during the match. He advised the players to continue to apply themselves for the rest of the tournament.

Col. Mobashar Iqbal said that only a healthy body can have a healthy mind. He said that the people blessed with mental and physical health can serve the nation to the best of their ability. He said that it is important for the students to take interest in the games for their bright future. He said that the sports are given special importance at Aagosh.

“The sports teach us the sportsman spirit and inculcate in us the ability to learn from our failure and come back hard again. The lessons so learned from the sports have their utility in our later life as well,” he added.

aagosh wins hockey match

aagosh wins hockey match

aagosh wins hockey match