Effective education not possible without transparent examination system: Dr Hassan Mohi-ud-Din Qadri

Dr Hassan Qadri Visit Nizam ul Madris Pakistan

Dr. Hassan Mohi-ud-Din Qadri, Chairman of the Board of Governors of Nizam-ul-Madaris Pakistan, visited the central office yesterday and reviewed the arrangements for secondary to M.A. Shariah examinations.

In the central control room, Nazime-e-Ala Dr. Mir Asif Akbar and Controller Examinations Allama Ain-ul-Haq Baghdadi welcomed him and briefed him on the arrangements for the ongoing examinations.

Speaking on the occasion, Dr. Hassan Mohi-ud-Din Qadri said that a transparent examination system is essential to improve the standard of education. He expressed his satisfaction that the Nizam-ul-Madaris Pakistan is the first board of religious schools in the country to have established an online system for monitoring examination centers nationwide, which is providing 100 percent results.

He stated that promoting a culture of merit through checks and balances and transparency encourages the students to work hard. Responsible behavior in teaching activities is also nurtured through transparency.

The Chairman Supreme Council congratulated Dr. Mir Asif Akbar, Allama Ain-ul-Haq Baghdadi, Muhammad Sajid Burhani, and their entire team on ensuring exemplary arrangements for the examinations and issued directives to further enhance the quality of the arrangements. The Chairman Supreme Council also congratulated the affiliated religious schools' examiners and administrators for their full cooperation with Nizam-ul-Madaris Pakistan and encouraged them to continue collaborating effectively.

Dr Hassan Qadri Visit Nizam ul Madris Pakistan

Dr Hassan Qadri Visit Nizam ul Madris Pakistan

Dr Hassan Qadri Visit Nizam ul Madris Pakistan

Dr Hassan Qadri Visit Nizam ul Madris Pakistan

Dr Hassan Qadri Visit Nizam ul Madris Pakistan