Speech No: Gf-20
Place: , Lahore
Dated: March 4, 1988
Category: Tazkira-e-Sayyiduna Ghous-ul-Azam (R.A)
Speech By: Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri
The Inner Wisdom of the Stories of Khidr
This video provides an in-depth discussion on the spiritual journey of the human soul, inspired by the events involving Prophet Musa (AS) and Khidr (AS). It focuses particularly on the transition from Nafs-e-Ammarah (the commanding soul) to Nafs-e-Lawwamah (the self-reproaching soul), emphasizing the significance of self-awareness in recognizing and transforming the Nafs through spiritual struggle and discipline.
The process is illustrated through the allegory of a child whose negative tendencies could harm his parents. The video also explores the inner struggles of the human soul, the role of conscience, and divine guidance received through Ilham (inspiration) and Kashf (revelation).
📌 Key Points:
Lessons on spiritual development from the events of Prophet Khidr (AS)
Understanding and addressing Nafs-e-Ammarah
Explanation of the Quranic verse about a child’s troubling nature
The process of transformation within Nafs-e-Ammarah
Benefits of transitioning from Nafs-e-Ammarah to Nafs-e-Lawwamah
The role of Nafs-e-Lawwamah in spiritual progress
Moving from Nafs-e-Lawwamah to Nafs-e-Mulhamah and divine inspiration
Differentiating between Ilham (inspiration) and Wahy (revelation)
Importance of striving for spiritual purity and self-awareness
The Inner Wisdom of the Stories of Khidr
This video provides an in-depth discussion on the spiritual journey of the human soul, inspired by the events involving Prophet Musa (AS) and Khidr (AS). It focuses particularly on the transition from Nafs-e-Ammarah (the commanding soul) to Nafs-e-Lawwamah (the self-reproaching soul), emphasizing the significance of self-awareness in recognizing and transforming the Nafs through spiritual struggle and discipline.
The process is illustrated through the allegory of a child whose negative tendencies could harm his parents. The video also explores the inner struggles of the human soul, the role of conscience, and divine guidance received through Ilham (inspiration) and Kashf (revelation).
📌 Key Points:
Lessons on spiritual development from the events of Prophet Khidr (AS)
Understanding and addressing Nafs-e-Ammarah
Explanation of the Quranic verse about a child’s troubling nature
The process of transformation within Nafs-e-Ammarah
Benefits of transitioning from Nafs-e-Ammarah to Nafs-e-Lawwamah
The role of Nafs-e-Lawwamah in spiritual progress
Moving from Nafs-e-Lawwamah to Nafs-e-Mulhamah and divine inspiration
Differentiating between Ilham (inspiration) and Wahy (revelation)
Importance of striving for spiritual purity and self-awareness