Serial No: 623
Speech No: Cc-14
Duration: 114 Minutes
Place: Jamia Masjid Kolon, Hong Kong
Dated: December 25, 1994
Category: Eman billAh
Speech By: Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri
This video highlights the fact that, in today's era, Muslims are divided by differences and sectarianism, which has fragmented the foundations of Islam. As a result, Muslims have been split into separate groups.
Furthermore, the video conveys a message of love for Tawheed (the Oneness of Allah), Prophethood, and Islamic teachings, emphasizing that Islam should be understood as a whole. All fundamental aspects of Islamic teachings are interconnected and should be viewed together so that Muslims can become a strong and united Ummah.
This video highlights the fact that, in today's era, Muslims are divided by differences and sectarianism, which has fragmented the foundations of Islam. As a result, Muslims have been split into separate groups.
Furthermore, the video conveys a message of love for Tawheed (the Oneness of Allah), Prophethood, and Islamic teachings, emphasizing that Islam should be understood as a whole. All fundamental aspects of Islamic teachings are interconnected and should be viewed together so that Muslims can become a strong and united Ummah.