Bedari e Ruh awr Talab e Ishq e Elahi

Dars e Masnavi |Awakening of the Soul and the Pursuit of Divine Love | Dars 3 | English Subtitles

Serial No: 3009
Speech No: Fn-11
Event: Itikaf 2018
Place: Itikaf City, Baghdad Town, Lahore
Dated: June 8, 2018
Category: Duroos-e-Masnavi
This video highlights the significance of Maulana Rumi's Masnavi, explaining its historical background and its impact on seekers of divine love (ishq) and knowledge (ma'arifah) over the centuries.
It further emphasizes the necessity of creating a conducive environment for love and spiritual growth. Additionally, the video discusses the importance of balancing reason and passion in the pursuit of divine love.