Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri visits renovated MQI Manchester Community Centre

shaykh ul islam visits MQI manchester

Manchester: His Eminence Shaykh ul Islam Dr. Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri were welcomed at Minhaj-ul-Quran Manchester Community Centre accompanied by Dr. Hassan Mohiuddin Qadri (Chairman Supreme Council MQI), Shaykh Hammad Mustafa Al-Madani Al-Qadri, Shaykh Ahmed Mustafa Al-Arabi Al-Qadri and respected Dr. Ghazala Qadri (President Minhaj Women League International).

His Eminence visited the extended and renovated facilities of MQI Manchester and were briefed on activities that are being offered to the community for men, women and children. These include educational, social and recreational activities to develop and support the local community and that of greater Manchester.

Shaykh-ul-Islam was pleased with the work being done and provided guidance to expand further with consistency. His Eminence gave practical advice to all attendees to keep their hearts open and welcome people without bias and without any pre-conditions and try to benefit as many people as possible. Always keeping this as objective as the core intention and ensuring the contributions of all are always appreciated.

The attendees were enlightened and delighted with the precious time that had been granted to them for blessed suhbah by His Eminence Huzoor Sayyedi Shaykh-ul-Islam.

The UK leadership of Minhaj-ul-Quran International led by Syed Ali Abbas Bukhari, Seerat Ali Khan and Moazzam Raza were also present at the event along with MQI Manchester executives led by Ahmed Nawaz, Allama Abdul Sattar Siraj and Ahsan Khan. A large representation of MWL North and Great Manchester were also in attendance.

shaykh ul islam visits MQI manchester

shaykh ul islam visits MQI manchester

shaykh ul islam visits MQI manchester

shaykh ul islam visits MQI manchester

shaykh ul islam visits MQI manchester