Roz e Mahshar kin logon ko peshwa banaya jayega?

Who will be made leaders on the Day of Judgment?

Speech No: Fo-39
Event: Duaiyah Taqreeb baraye Eisal-e-Sawab Allama Ghulam Rabbani Taimoor (Nazim Dawat o Nizamat Umor-e-Kharija)
Place: Jamia Sheikh-ul-Islam, Lahore
Dated: May 20, 2024
This video discusses the Islamic concept of the Day of Judgment, explaining how individuals will be resurrected based on their deeds and intentions. Through references from the Quran and Hadith, it is clarified that people will be raised in different states—some running with enthusiasm, some approaching with fear, and some being dragged in a state of denial. The video also highlights what kind of people will be made leaders on the Day of Judgment.